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striping the bolt


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You should have striped it before you used the rifle as it could well have had some swarf inside.


Yes, do so now - give it a good clean in petrol and polish the last 1/2" or the firing pin - don't remove metal as such but a rounded nose is essential without any marks on the tip. If there are then use 600 or 800 grit wet and dry and just (note 'just') polish them out.


Ensure there are no bits of swarf or dirt along the whole length of the spring and that the there are no score marks anywhere where the bolt may have been catching. When you are happy reassemble having first sprayed with 3 in 1 oil - you can now buy aerosols which are very handy for gun lubrication. Just soak off the excess with kitchen roll or blow out with an airline if you have one. (an essential bit of kit for gun cleaning - really)


The manual tells you how to strip it and if you don't have one ring Edgars and they will send you one.



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Stripping the bolt is easy... I had some problems with my CZ and I thought it was trigger related.. it had almost a 2 stage click... stripped the bolt.. and there was a bit of swarf inside... cleaned it all out... and never having stripped a bolt before was amazed how easy it was to re assemble... anyway shoots like a dream now.... no 2 stage action.... and its great.


I confirmed this with my local gunsmith afterwards... and he was impressed I knew what to do....

however a bit of a cheat... cause I recruited the advice of a member of my local gun club.... who gave me advice on the phone.... anyway successs



clean it... and check it regularly...


I alway undo my bolt when removing it... ie removing it from the ready and primed possition when storing it.

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