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20g or 12g


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it depends on what you use it for,i,m not bothered about cartridge price i use whichever gun i need for the purpose,i have 3 o/u in 12,20, 28g and 2 s/as in 12 and 20g my favorite walk up gun is the o/u 20g,on crows and pigeons i usually use one of the sa,s,unless your using 100,s of carts i wouldn,t bother about price.

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really cartridge prices do not really mater to much extra £10 per thousand. It really depends on your build and whether you are able to shoot with a 12g or need a smaller 20g gun. As you have just started shooting if you are able to use a 12 bore I would go down

that route to start with. when you can shoot a bit then make your choice.

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The other thing to consider is the weight of the gun compared to the shot charge of the cartridge , i.e. if you intend to shoot heavy loads go for the 12

or consider a heavier 20 to compensate for the charge .

I use 12 ,s and 20,s both for different uses , I love the 20 o/u but find the lighter weight of the gun compared to my 12 punishing if used for long periods of clay shooting .

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