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Couple of hours this morning with my best friend.......


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Got up this morning and decided to go for a shoot for a few hours until the weather closed in.


As i grabbed my gun the dog turned her self in side out so i bundled her in the car and off we went at first light.


As i passed a local rape field and i saw with delight that there was pigeons feeding and then flying into some trees back and to they went.

I walked over to the trees and chucked a couple of shell decoys out and just sat there.

The birds started coming in to the decoys at supersonic speeds and when the air brakes came on boom.


I got 9 birds but there is only seven in the picture.


The dog just sat there gazing at the sky for more birds and then the weather closed in and it started to **** down with rain.


Anyhow were both off for a sleep now he he he








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U done well in this wind to get any! Nice dog jacket? Where's it from please?


The dog vest was from a shop called field and falcon in Mold in North Wales but they have since moved to Wrexham not sure if they still sell them but search them on Google.


The good thing about the dog vest is that they keep the dog a bit warmer after they are wet and with my dog being mostly white the pigeons don't see her.


The bad points are they are no good for rough shooting when the dog is working heavy cover.





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