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Shotgun Certificate


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Do you still have your old cert and is it still within the expiry date? If so, no worries still go shoot. Just phone the police on Monday to query your missing guns.

On the other hand, if this is your only cert you need to find out why the police have lost their records of your guns. You shouldn't just fill it in yourself. Obviously don't go shooting as you could have a technically unlicensed gun. Just get onto them on Monday.

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I'd get in touch with the firearms department and get the issue resolved asap, If it happened to me it wouldn't stop me going out shooting if I wanted to.

As long as gun details have not been deleted off the database any plod should be able to cross check if you are stopped regardless of whether they are printed on your certificate.


I always take a scan of my cert before it goes off for renewal so I can cross check all details in a situation like this.

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