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Pointer pup first time out


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Took oscar it for the first time with the shotgun yesterday and he was ace

Not scared at all just looked up when the gun went off

I've been trying to get he used to the noise for ages

Clapping and feet banging

Then empty air rifle

Never bothered him 1 bit

Last week had him down the woods with some fire work bangers and he was a little unsure so back to clapping and air rifles

Well yesterday shotgun first round looked around then he was fine

Was walking round a field we were on for pigeon and he even flushed a phesant was likely down to chance but was top

Only thing we now need to work on is keeping him sat in the hide and to leave the bird at my feet after fetching it instead of running past looking all proud haha

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What breed of pointer(H.P.R.) do you have or is he a English pointer. have owned G.S.P.for over 25 years now and all have been worked/rough shooting/and trailed .also pigeon shooting. what as always impressed me is how adaptable they are.

Obviously they need to be out of the correct lines but so far most H.P.R s still have the basics in them.

Best of luck with your dog and remember you should( in your eyes) take the best dog out and the beat dog home.

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They should all be pets as well. My present dog is a hard running one but sit for hours in the hide as good as gold and retrieves (on command )to hand. But I do need to keep the training up.

I hope you keep taking him with you and enjoy him .as I am sure he would rather be with you than sat back at home. Try to have your back to a hedge when he is coming back with a retrieve, then he cant run round you .and praise him every time he comes in.


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