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how shorts too short

Elmer Fudd 1

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im looking at building a ruger 10/22 for lamping/night vision in the truck and would have wanted to go for a short barrel, 12.5 inch possibly with a folding stock, now before everybody says that powder doesn't burn up until 14 inches etc does anybody know what the minimum length a rifle must be.

if its shorter than the folded gun then its illegal so id have to either get a fixed stock or a longer barrel, any suggestions will be welcomed!



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I've got a standard barrel on mine (18" ish) and a Butler Creek folding stock. When it's folded, it measures about 27". The minimum length allowed is 24", so logic would suggest with my folding stock, the minimum the barrel length could be is about 15". :good:


All these figures are approximate. NOT the 24" minimum overall - that's set in stone.

Edited by walshie
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