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Would choke size make so much difference?


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Hey all


I had a spare couple of hours this morning so I thought I'd try the rape with my new mossberg 9200.


I bought the gun from the shooting show with 4 chokes, when I bought it I was lead to believe it had 1/2 choke in it.


All set up, pretty happy with it all. After about 20 mins I had a couple of takers, right into the pattern. Up I popped "bang" "bang" missed with both shots. This happened for 5 shots in total before I had to pack up.


I thought it must be me and I need to get used to the gun.


When I got home I thought I would check the choke, low and behold it had full in.


Would this cause a big difference or was it down to my shooting (yes I am looking for excuses)


What made it worse I trying to fit one of the other chokes to find they have given me the wrong set of choke, quick phone all and they are going to rectify their error.......... Thankfully



Another thing I was surprised at was just how far the gun spits the empties out

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