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Goodies from the ol' US of A arrived.


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Since the standard Rossi sights were proving inept at actually hitting the target (6 inches high at least at 50m with no down left) I decided I would treat myself to some new sights.


After weighing up all the options I decided to order a barrel mounted aperture sight along with a taller front post from Andy at Skinner Sights in the US as the prices were reasonable and the product seemed well made.


Much to my suprise the package ended up on my door in under 10 days. Initial impressions are very good with the parts blued very nicely, finished smoothly and with a smart Skinner emblem engraved on the sight body. The sight is adjustable for windage and elevation and the aperture can be removed to give you a ghost ring.


Can't wait to get them fitted.



Edited by Livefast123
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10 days is quite good!


I have to place an order with MEC for a few parts! I tried registering on their site but it won't allow me to sign up! The zip code wont accept a UK code!


I contacted them and have to phone the order through. They said they will ship to the UK no problem!


Will order the bits I need on Monday afternoon and hope I get mine in 10 days.

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