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Broke a personal record today


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Hi... M B W .........I am not trying to funny or anything, but what was your previous worse day and what was your best day .If you live close to South Norfolk send me P M and I would be more than happy to take you out a couple of times, if you don't I am sure there are a lot of helpful guys on here who would be willing to help you. The weather is nice today for shooting , have a go and let us know how you get on, all the best and have a good day.

Thanks for the offer, I'm in Scotland so a bit far away, my best day out was 84 for 118 shots, and worst was probably starting out as a kid shooting with my old man had a few days of firing a lot of shots for 3 or 4 pigeons, I've not had a real go with shotgun for year or two, I was mainly rifle shooting. although I was never a "good" shot I could get by and I missed my fair amount of sitters but hit a few cracking high birds as well, just need to get back into the swing of things. Went out today shooting rooks and ended up with 21 rooks 1 carrion and 3 jackdaws for about 40 shots using a different gun, the gun I hadn't spectacular missing streak with looks alright fit wise to me but I'm going to get a proper instructor to check, to he fair I normally shoot with an sx3 and my missing streak was with a SxS that I've not fired for nigh on a year so I think it's a mix of diff gun, bad shooting position and after a lot of rifle shooting I was probably all to cock swing and aim wise

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I was sitting down, I was telling a mate about it and he said that might have something to do with it, after he stopped laughing


Without wishing to be insulting, but can you shoot well, standing up ? Unless you have the simple basics regarding foot position and body weight distribution etc., then you will NEVER shoot well sitting down. If you are right handed and are looking at a bird coming straight on towards you, your body should be facing towards 1 o'clock in order to be able to swing onto the bird, from a sitting position. Until you have mastered the basics of shooting standing, you will find shooting sitting very difficult. Just keep plodding on it will get better, but it may be worth having a lesson coupled with a gunfit check. If the gun does not fit, again, shooting sitting is a great deal harder.

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