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Night vision over day scoped rifle.


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It used to be that the night vision rifle would come out the cabinet to deal with the odd tricky fox here and there, a few times a year maybe. Just recently I have found myself going to it as the rifle of choice, it has taken me a long time to get it set up as I like it and to be effective in the field for dealing with foxy and now it almost seems like cheating! I was sat out last night watching two fox's sniffing about in the grass totally unaware I was there for about a minute ( it's interesting what you can learn if you just watch) until one presented a safe shot that resulted in a clean kill. Expecting its mate to run off, I was amazed to see it running towards me not knowing where the shot had come from, a sharp whistle brought it to a stop and that's the last thing it ever did. Now don't get me wrong, it was a good result and job done but I can't help feel something's not right seeing a target on a display screen of a night vision unit as compared to a day scope? Like shooting something on the telly!

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