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Stockists of Browning Legia Green Oil?


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I'd heard tales that the Legia Green (stock oil) was no longer being made. Didn't pay much attention at the to be honest but now I've got a grade 5 Miroku which has been fed on a diet of Legia Green, I figured I'd continue.


Can't find anywhere (online) that has it in stock - anyone know of an online retailer, or any bricks and mortar stores around Gloucestershire who have any in stock?


If push comes to shove I'll just get some CCL Stock oil, but if I can continue with the green, I shall.





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You will be lucky to find some, tried looking myself and couldn't find any either local or online, apparently browning have a new red tin the suitable for stocks as well but not seen any or checked myself just what one of the local dealers told me. All the best in your hunt

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There is a shop near me in a place call croxton which is not far from stoke-on-trent that has some don't know if he would post some. I've got there email address if you want it.


If you don't mind, I'd be extremely grateful.

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As it happens, I've already got a 500ml can of Ballistol (enough to last a lifetime essentially). However, I wasn't sure what the difference was between the Legia green oil and Ballistol (chemically) was. It may well be that Legia green is nothing but a mineral based oil, much like Ballistol is - I've no idea.


After speaking to the previous owner of the gun, who's kept it in pristine condition, I decided to continue using what he's already impregnated the stock with - Legia green, only to discover it's no longer being made.


Which reminds me, I've still not called Croxton Country Stores...

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