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For Sale:


I have used the above kit to do a stock on one of my rifles, with good effect. There is enough left to do at least another rifle stock. Kit contains: Alkanet Oil, Rapid Oil & TS-95 Oil, together with 600 extra fine wet&dry sandpaper and instruction sheet.

The kit cost me £19.95p inc pp.


Sell for £12.00 inc pp.



Here's the link: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Secret-Finish-Shotgun-Wooden-Airguns/dp/B00593KUQW/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1398090654&sr=8-1&keywords=trade+secret+oil+finish+kit

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It all depends on the grain of the wood. You can add a few coats of Alkanet oil, and each coat darkens it slightly more. But I found after 4 thin coats (wiping on with a clean rag) it didn't get any darker. The other oils though helped make the grain look good. I enjoyed doing the stock and I'm well pleased with the finish. I was tempted to do the stock on my Lanber shotgun, but finding the time to do it is my problem.

I recommend this kit, and not because I'm selling it. :good:



Got any pics of ya stock before and after cheers

I did'nt take any sorry, and the rifle is with a gunsmith at the moment having some work done on it. When I bought the rifle, the stock had a varnish/lacquer finish to it, and I accidentally chipped some of it off. I removed all the finish, rubbed it down and oiled it. I can only say that it looks 100% better.

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