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be nice to dog walkers......


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I was out on my permission yesterday which includes a wood in the middle of 4 fields. Locals tend to walk their dogs around the outside of it even though its not a public footpath. It can be sometimes annoying seeing someone coming because we stop shooting and break the guns til they have gone.


Though tempted to tell these people they shouldnt be there, I prefer to be pleasant, and use the downtime for a coffee and fag break.


Yesterday a woman walking her dog appeared and though inwardly p****d off as it was the second dog walker within an hour, I stayed friendly, made a fuss of her dog and gave her a cheery "Good Morning ".


Anyway, got chatting and she asked what I was shooting. I told her Woodies but they were being a bit on the shy side. Then she said that she lived on the adjacent farm and that they are getting hammered by Woodies!!


Naturally, I offered my services, and now have more land to shoot on. Spose the moral of my rambling is Be nice to dog walkers, you dont know who they are and who they know.

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do have a problem with dog walkers on 1 of my permissions which i dont mind as long as they keep to the tracks its the ****s with metal detectors that **** me off traipsing accross the crops that were protecting soon as they see you with a gun they do a runner think they think ya the land owner :stupid: i start walkin 2wards then andthey ****it. :stupid:

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No way. I have to draw the line at metal detecting and stamp collecting.


I mean, why? It's just plain wrong.

metal detectoring is a grand pass time when the doos are of the boil and some of the things found can be turned into cash to buy shooting bits and bobs


mungles you have a narrow out look sometimes ya nuttter :good::/



cheers kirky

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