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Gun lights


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Tracer mini is excellent. 300m beam without filter and 150 m beam with red filter. In contrast the Logun bearely reaches 50m.

You may think 50m is fine for an airgun, and for the actual shooting it is, but it's sod all use for scanning a field to see where they are.

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I'll agree with that!


The Logun is nice and small and light, but the battery is a whopper and it's Lead-Acid!!!


Still, it fits in one of my pockets and it's not _that_ heavy when all is said and done.


But... Very true about the beam. I get about 35-50 yards with a filter on. Yes, it's a homemade filter and yes, it does mean I have to work a bit harder for my bunnies, but that makes it a bit more sporting. It also means that I don't take that many chances any more and so I miss less.


Still, the chance to scan a field more than 50 metres wide would be a bonus.


The price is about the same isn't it?



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I have the Logun smart, The fields I have are Large with lots of Bunnies I dont want to see too far ahead as with regular lamping they do get a bit clever.


So I creep up on them with my HW90K. Does the job well but I would probably have bought the mini tracer if the Shop had had one in.


Also I blew 2 lamps within the first 6 weeks with the Logun and they cost me 8 sovs each 2 replace ( Thats 4 pints in normal speak )


Happy Hunting FM

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