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A wise man once told me, "Son it is much better to keep your mouth shut and let them think that you are an idiot than open it and let them know that you are one”! I try very hard to keep this in mind before posting.






Well that wise mans certainly had great respect for you then Stotto :lol:. PW is a great site, I have learnt a lot from it and picked up a few bargains on the way, as for the rants, well you have a choice if someone posts something a bit confrontational 1/ ignore and turn the other cheek, just type on with your topic 2/ return fire until the moderators get fed up and pull the pin. Couldn't be much simpler, its hard to ignore some of the outrageous comments put on here and I for one find it hard to turn the other cheek but its only a screen and a keyboard. :ninja:

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Hello Redgum


Thanks for the ‘Heads-up’, I must say that I am no ‘shrinking violet’ myself but when in receipt of a ####ing I well deserve, (which I might add I like to keep very few and far between) I tend to shut up and take it as the pain helps to clarify my position in the order of things! The flip side is if I feel a cause is just I will defend my corner with some vigour otherwise as you rightly pointed out in another vein, a comment is a comment is a comment!

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I would like to add that I believe a solid attribute is to have a robust sense of humour.

Here is a glimpse of mine. Because once I had gotten over the shock and horror of what I had done I really had a good laugh, despite it being it at my own expense!


For those that have not yet seen my faux pas, I am sure there are some that can point the way, by way of an analogy, it would equate to posting a request enquiring if anyone on the forum, ‘Knew of an electrician’?

And then being advised by some Muppet of the dire consequences of washing your feet in a septic tank if you were suffering from in-growing toe nails!!!


Perplexing or what? But can anyone top it?


I know, who the bloody hell would want to?

Edited by STOTTO
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