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Squirrel Dogs

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Is it legel to hunt .....tree....squirrels in the UK to shoot them?




erm.....good question...........its legal to hunt them with a gun....................as for hunting with a pack of dogs Im not too sure....


How many you thinking about using NTTF,,,,,,,or do you have big squizzers over there........Usual way of doing over here is shooting out the dreys......a few no4 or bbs do the trick.....then its get your semi out and give em some number 6s if any make a run for it.....


Not 100% on the law, but I think you are allowed to hunt with 2 dogs.............but dont quote me on that...

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Most times you just use one dog to tree the little blitters. The nice part about using a dog is the squirrel will come out on the trunk to scold the hound, you then have a nice clean shot. ;) .


I have seen us tree as many as 105 on a good hunt.




edited to add that that was with 2 dogs and 4 guns

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My dog would kill them she just wouldn`t come back to me. :blush: She cased one of in the back garden this morning.lol she was sat at the door then it came along and she went mental barking at it,it just stood there so i thought i`d have him and let her in the garden :blush: scared him away. :lol:


oh yer btw she`s a west highland white terrier.anybody use them, as i won`t to train her but she doesn`t come when she`s called so i`m scared of letting her of the lead. :yes:

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The idea of using a dog specifically trained to run and tree squirrels is that the dog will chase a squirrel or squirrel scent to a tree and then it will stand on the truck with its front legs and barkThis has the effect of causing the squirrle to sit on a branch or trunk to scold the dog. The squirrel can then be harvested using a safe shot with air rifle, .22 shorts, or shot gun. It is a very fun and effective way to hunt squirrels.



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