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Airguns to die a slow death?


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"i do and save some money now and then

its part of the fun buying something is the hageling over price


cheers kirky"



You tite wad :lol::P I agree its the face to face that counts and is lasting with a good shop unlike the click here to continue on the internet :P:P The day to day shop is having the hardest of times at best with the internet shipping fiasco and I am one of them internet bargain hunters myself but this kind of purchase does not lend it self to a internet self service sales sitution IMHO and it is therefore my opinion air weapons should be shop only based sales and not internet to save our heritage :P:good:

Yes I agree, but perhaps some form of push for the lack of monoply powers. I don't think other RFD's will spring up althou one good thing is hopefully the death of B2's! I am concerned with the integrity of some RFD's.

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Can't we just ban the birth of Chav nutcase scumbags rather than airguns?


Also, what if after these new rules, there is no decrease in the misuse of air guns? They banned pistols many years ago and that has been shown to have no relation to gun crime. Surely they can't think this law will work.




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Naddan you seem concerned about your RFD, i'd go speak to him and level with him. Most are reasonable.


When I have gone to buy things in the past I have mentioned the cheaper prices and he's done something to bridge the gap - I don't expect internet prices when I can have the goods immediately.


When you factor in a bit of loyalty discount, no postage and the fact you walk out with the goods immediately - is it so bad you pay a few quid over the odds?

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