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Finally getting somewhere with the LR


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After getting my FAC I bough a .22lr and an FAC air and to be honest where the bunnies are at the farm I was using the FAC air more than the LR.

The bunnies have moved fields so the LR is back in play and I had a go with it a couple of weeks ago with limited success, I even went so far as to having a mate check the grouping with it to see if it was just me. Well turns out it was the rifle shoots fine I think I was having an off day.


Fast forward to this weekend and I setup in the same field again but this time bought my pop up hide with me so I could be comfortable staying put for a fair while as I know the bunnies are quite skittish and tend not to venture out till quite late. No one else shoots the ground but me however the farmer does occasionally let fly with his HMR when the mood takes him so I think they are aware that high speed death can sometimes appear from nowhere (generally his daughters bedroom window :) ).


After a couple of hours of nothing one finally showed itself at about 40 yards but I fired and missed, the discharge sounded a bit odd so not sure if it was a squib round but the barrel was clear so was possibly a bit of buck fever. After the other week at this point I was feeling a bit disheartened but stuck with it as I knew from some zero checking earlier that the gun was on song.

Another hour passed and then three bunnies bolted out of the hedge two hopped up the top of the field about 100yds away with the third stopping about 65 yards with a nice steep slope as the backstop I gave it a little holdover and loosed off a round with a loud thud the bunny went over without a twitch. Unfortunately its two mates bolted for the hedge straight off. With one in the bag I was happy to at least get out of the blocks so to speak.

It started to get towards dusk and I was planning to get the NV out when two rabbits shot out from the hedge into the centre of the field the first stopped at about 70 yards and the second at about 100 yards. Confident with the holdover after my first shot I dropped the 70 yard one and for a change its mate didn't react so I cycled the bolt gave it some more holdover and it went down as well. I was a happy camper at this point :yahoo: as it was getting dark I grabbed all three bunnies and decided to strike the hide so I could lump the whole lot back to the car.


I gutted the bunnies and decided to put my NS50 on the LR for the first time it was working fine and I scanned the hedge of the field at the bottom of the farm picking out a bunny at about 60yards, a bit of moving on my part gave a good backstop so I went to cycle the bolt. At this point the wheels came off as the blooming bolt throw was stopped by my DSA adapter on the scope so I couldn't chamber a round :blush: Mr bunny carried on munching oblivious to his lucky escape and I sloped off back to the car cursing low scope mounts!


Overall a fun evening, on the way out the farmer stopped me and asked next time could I get him a few as he wanted to have another go at rabbit curry. Knowing which side my breads buttered I have prepped two of the ones from this trip and they are in the freezer so I will drop them in to him next week.


A bit rambly for a picture thread but photos below

















Edited by Zetter
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