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Magpies piling in now.


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Matt pretty much the same here regarding numbers, totally out of proportion to birds they prey on. There is a notable reduction in the song bird population around here. May In part be due to the council clearing the waste land out back and gifting it to the adjacent residents and in part due to magpies and other corvids.


Have not trapped any mags in my garden (I shoot them) but I believe it is legal provided the conditions for trapping outlined in the GL are met. Biggest problem I see is neighbours, I have one next door left who is happy to pick up if any manage to get over the fence. However two neighbours next door right are definite antis. So as in everything we do discretion and low profile required.


Seldom get any mags coming into my garden now having dropped around 40 in the last two years, there a re still plenty around though.

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