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JAMES TIBERIUS and The Prime Directive- WHAT WOULD YOU DO ?.


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So ,

your out and about on the Great expanse , Of Oozzee , Slob , Mud and sand .

While out there , we are privileged with views and sights , other Mortals , never see , Mostly good and some not so good ( think Plastic etc).


Now I have been thinking about this for a few days and not wanting to Open all the cupboards and backdoors that were opened a few weeks ago, with the wounded Goose debate - I didnt comment.


Things happen and people deal with them in different ways . We are all aware of the Wildlife laws and acts , but sometimes they do not cover the situation one finds oneself in . I myself on more than one occasion have stopped my car to despatch various misfortunate Birds from Wrens to Rooks ,on the roadside , much the alarm of some passengers I might add . I just cannot abide Un necessary Suffering . I shoot to Kill not to wound and injure .

Now while on the roadside , using my hands , I have No Gun Licence to loose , on the Foreshore with Gun in hand its another story.


3 Days ago I came across the Brent Goose in the pic below , you can see how close it let me approach and for sure its right wing was Damaged .

The local landowner told me to expect to come across it as he had earlier that morn , trying to get down a Fox Burrow .


It plodded along in front of me and I let it wander off , my dog was at home as I was in Fact after Snipe at that location and he was not needed , so the Gosse was not stressed . It looked in good form , though definitely suffering in some way , but Not enough to Warrant me Putting it down .

What would you have done in this circumstance ?,


James T. Kirk and the Prime Directive ?. ( not to interfere with Alien Life forms ) .

Not always the way to go , in seasons past , after a real Blow , Gulls , Ossies ,(oystercatchers), Godwits, I have often come across with a broken wing . Now for a bird on the shoreline a broken wing is a slow Death sentence . I have taken the appropriate action , putting my FAC at risk , but I will not pass by and do nothing and if I have to explain that to a Judge , by way of a prosecution or a lost Licence appeal , then so be it .


What would you do , in this Event ??


I hope the Creaking Doors are left closed and consternation is left in abeyance ,


Perhaps it is a case covered by a Text message I got from my Son a few weeks back , He came Across a poster I would be interested in , It goes like this !











Pic below.


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