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tanning rabbit skins


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After a long day out with my old man and the ferrets, ive got a few rabbit skins i'm going to tan and have a go at making slippers, ive got a few questions for anyone in the know:


Im trying the cover in salt, scrape off all fat, cover in egg yolk, wash and work the hide technique, which in all fairness is a bit of a chew on.


I read it can take less than 24 hours, but after trying one salted skin, no matter how hard i tried, i could not get all the fat to come off, i was left with fat round the edges and small fat bobbles that tear before they come off.


Has anyone tried the salt & alum mix in water method? does it make the fat removal easier?

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I'm no expert in tanning but I thought the way to do it was to remove as much fat/membrane as possible then cover in salt for 24 hours, this then makes it easier to flesh out, once that is done you can stick it in your tanning solution to tann, I didn't think the salt and alum mix aided the removal of fat, just tanned the prepared hide.

When I have done a fox skin before I did the process as described as above, it came out well :)

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Look up Snowdonia Taxidermy Supplies, and buy their tanning kits. Very easy to use, and I have had excellent results with rabbits furs, fox tails/pelts and also squirrel tails. As with all furs/skins, you have to remove as much fat etc as possible, but after that, this tanning kit works well.



Edit: Here's the one I use. http://www.snowdoniasupplies.co.uk/cgi-bin/view_larger.pl?ref=CP0502

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