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air rifles age


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Yes and i think you will find from the age of 14 you can recieve it as a gift and shoot alone. Below 14 you need to be supervised by someone over 21 and if a pellet crosses a boundary its a criminal offence. This is all based on the Firearms Act and how the situation CURRENTLY is.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hasn't the law changed?

I didn't think you could "gift" one at 14 now?

yes you are right you can borrow but not be given one! Fine line between the two I say, as in reality proving it was borrowed and not a gift is imposs.

Here you go.


Airguns and the law


Although air weapons, with very few exceptions as outlined above, are not required to be kept on a firearm certificate, they are still classed as firearms and fall under the control of the firearms legislation.


As an airgun shooter, you must make sure that you know the law and keep within it. If


you don´t, you could find yourself in court facing charges with sanctions ranging from


heavy fines right up to life imprisonment. The following is a list of the laws by which you


must abide and you might be surprised at just how long it is.


• It is an offence to sell or make a gift of an air weapon to a person under seventeen


years of age.


• It is an offence for anyone under eighteen to carry an air weapon unless -


they are under the supervision of a person aged twenty one or more or


they are on private land and have permission from the occupier or


they are shooting as a member of an approved club or


they are shooting at a shooting gallery for miniature rifles.



• It is an offence for a person under eighteen shooting unsupervised on private land to allow any pellets to cross the boundaries of the property.


• It is an offence for any person, regardless of age, to be in possession of an air weapon in a public place without a reasonable excuse. A reasonable excuse might be carrying a gun to and from a target shooting club or to and from land on which you have permission to shoot. It would also include taking a gun to and from a gunsmith for repair or service or taking a new gun home from the dealer.


• It is an offence to trespass with an air weapon, be that in a building or on land.


• It is an offence to have an air weapon if you are a person prohibited from possessing a


firearm by section 21 of the 1968 Act. This section prohibits anyone who has been


sentenced to a custodial sentence of between three months and three years from


possessing an air weapon or other firearm for five years from the date of release.


Anyone sentenced to three years or more is prohibited for life.


• It is an offence to fire your gun within fifty feet (fifteen metres) of the centre of a public


road in such a way as to endanger or impede any road user.


• It is an offence to shoot protected wild birds or animals. When live quarry shooting,


it is your responsibility to make sure that you only shoot legal quarry.


• It is an offence to shoot pet animals. Besides being abhorrent to most people, this is, above all others, the offence that gives all air weapon shooters a bad name.


• It is an offence to have an air weapon with intent to damage property.


• It is an offence to have an air weapon with intent to endanger life

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