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tons on here and ive added my bit to them before


i bought a SBE2 for wildfowling mainly but also use in the hide, first thoughts lovely gun.. good quality nice finish etc. but from day one i failed to get on with it. i strugled to hit ANYTHING... not blaming the gun as i know it was me, the main issue i had was rust. for a gun aimed at wildfowling (or waterfolwing) i could watch it rust before my eyes when on the foreshore the finish was awfull... tons of oil didnt seem to help that much it just loved to rust.


after struggling all fowling season i bought a max-4 A400 extreme, camo finish was REALLY bad, chips out of it poor quality hydrodipping causing problems all over so back it went and a new one was sent, this wasnt quite as bad but still had chips etc on it but knowing it would end up with worse from use i kept it. i took it out and was amazed, recoil compared to the SBE2 was non existant, it was smooth as butter and i was hitting things.. so much so i didnt even bother fitting the left hand cast altering shims


as for relaibility, for a 3 1/2 inch chambered gun both would fire anything, i even ran some 24g i had through my SBE2 to see if it would cycle and it would, i think in the round of clays i did i had one of them jam which to me was fine as their not made for 24g


the only thing that could make me part with my A400 now is if they release an extreme in true left hand, other than that its staying with me

Edited by kiffy
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