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Never need to lean around a corner again when out shooting

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Sorted... haha.


Doesn't seem that genius... perhaps not that accurate either...


Just a semi auto pistol on a bendable stock with a camera... wonder what the recoil would be like shooting sidewards.

Come to think of it, didn't the Germans experiment with something similar in the war?

Edited by Mentalmac
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violate copyright and patent laws in china ,hoi dare u .never heard the like .the people who copy BMW,S and FREELANDER,S and their courts say NAH nothing like it why would they think they could copy the Israeli copy of the german version .slander and libel :whistling:

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indeed deffo not a new idea................




The Krummlauf Barrel


The most unique attachments for the StG44 was the 'krummlauf' barrel that curved the 7.92x33mm bullet at an 30,45, 60, and 90 degree angles to fire around corners or cover. It was available in two models: the 'I' and 'P'. The 'I' krummlauf barrel was developed for infantry use in urban situations, were covering fire could be established without exposing yourself to the enemies. While this sounds good, there were issues. Weight was one, another was that the barrel only lasted a few hundred rounds, and if used under fully automatic fire, the thermal buildup could shatter the barrel, creating an 'shotgun' effect and lessening the power of the round. Even holes drilled into the barrel to allow some relief, but the lifespan was the same. I do not believe that the krummlauf was widely used given the weakness and added weight.


The 'P' model of the bent barrel was used in tanks, namely the Elefant heavy tank destroy that was fielded without an machine gun(!), and the krummlauf barrel would allow the tank crews to engage incoming Soviet infantry that had a nasty habit of using gasoline to lit the tank on fire because of the lack of anti-infantry armaments.

Fitted along side the Model P krummlauf was a mirror-aiming device to allow the shooter some idea what or who they were firing at. Much like the 'I' model, there is little information on the operational life of the barrel, and it suffered from the same breaking issues.

sorry bout that ^^^^^, not sure why it went odd like that :lol:


another example............



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