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What scope for a Wolf Nite Site?

Dead-Eyed Duck

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I am after a suitable scope for a Wolf Nite Site, so any recommendations are welcomed.


I understand that I will need one with a side parallax, and as strange as it may seem some less expensive scopes are better than Swaro or Zeiss etc as the low light coating on these restricts the infra red function.


Any comments would be appreciated

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Budget? Hawke and MTC will do it. I don't really like the budget end of MTC scopes, but they work well with digital night vision, as do the Hawke's. Ideally you need to find a bit of a compromise between daytime use and night. I found, pound for pound, the Genesis were the best for both. Good eye relief (well actually camera relief) so you can fit the add-on up close, great light gathering, sharp reticule, good performance in daytime.

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