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baxi duo-tec help


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Boilers look simple enough and an aav is straight forward to change but take my professional advice do yourself and you family a favour and just get it serviced. Their is much more than meets the eye with modern appliances.

Sorry if it comes across as a bit blunt but I see advice on forums all the time regarding gas and more often than not some of the advice makes me wince.

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The white tap at the back bottom right is the drain off for the boiler, under the pump to the right.

But you need to valve off the boiler and that's when the valves can pee out! Sometimes the are ok and switch on and off with no problems and don't leak, other times they can leak and then you need new valves.

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Boilers look simple enough and an aav is straight forward to change but take my professional advice do yourself and you family a favour and just get it serviced. Their is much more than meets the eye with modern appliances.

Sorry if it comes across as a bit blunt but I see advice on forums all the time regarding gas and more often than not some of the advice makes me wince.

+1 almost, a service wont cure anything, as if the flue gas analysis reading is less than 0.008 ppm there is no requisite to do anything,you wouldnt expect your break oads to be changeed as part of a routine service, but its not something to tackle without knowing what your doing,the changing of that valve should be somewhere around the £100.00 mark

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Can just the value be replaced or will it need to be housing as well.


Reason I'm asking is I don't want someone coming in then taking parts off and saying they need to be ordered.


If I know its just the value I can then order so its here waiting for when its serviced

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