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.25-06 barrel length

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Also I have to say that once again Sussex Police have given very swift service. All in all about 4 weeks from postage. Our current FEO is new in post and given how much there is to absorb in any new job he's been great to deal with. So respect is due.

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Thanks Jamie - the variation landed on the mat today, which coupled with some new land makes me a happy chap!

I've loved it as a calibre when I've shot it....just never assumed until now that I'd end up going down that route.

I'm also grateful for the mod recommendation - I had been thinking Hardy(?).


I've found a couple more places stocking the calibre (PPU and Hornady) Woodlands in Gt Shefford and Raker in Petworth. I must try Ivor at Old Mill Guns to see if he has some too.


Cleaning kit seems to be a bit tricky...took me ages to find a brass brush.

i use reloading solutions or trent firearms. for cleaning bits. proshot. dewey etc are good products

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OK so I went and did it - Steyr Prohunter in the blue(?) with a Roedale can. Everything has gone black...black stock, black metal, black scope, black mounts, black can - I feel like a ruddy goth! Oh yes...black bipod :hmm: This wasnt how it was meant to be. I imagined some elegant representation of the gunsmiths art.....not if you want a long 25 off the shelf. Hope it shoots straight.


Giving it it's first clean prior to shooting it in. Using Pro shot calibre specific patches etc. and **** me it's hard work!


**EDIT** switched to 25 jag and 22 patches - is just firm enough and picks up the muck.

Edited by LeadWasp
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Thanks for the good wishes 6.5. I spent 4 hours up on the Downs last night starting to shoot it in. I was royally sick of cleaning by the end especially in the field. Our local neighbourhood farmer doesn't do headlands so I had to carry everything in.

Seems not to like 100gr PPU but likes 117gr Feds.

There are a few things I'm not convinced about but it is growing on me. The action is not the smoothest but it's solidity is reassuring.

The fore end flex is a 'feature'. Provided you don't load/stress the bipod and just rest the gun on it it shoots well. Early results are encouraging.........

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Hi Jamie - well I bought it to tide me over until I can afford a gun built the way I'd like it. I agree about the flex and I though this was causing the atrocious grouping. However see my post in Guns & Equipment about 38mm for deer! :whistling:

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