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My target analysis software

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Free to use, hope someone might find it useful:




On loading the page, a random set of 10 shots is generated at a default 50 yards (.224" calibre - changing this only alters the hole sizes drawn on clicking "calculate").


If you don't have the genuine measurements from your target, you will have to scan/photograph the target in and load into a paint/CAD programme. Once you have determined the coordinates of each shot (by drawing a circle round each one and finding the centre), you can enter a value in the top box that equates to the dimension of a known inch (i.e. if your scanned target is 2 inches across, measure this and divide by 2)


The group size is given in three ways. The more meaningful is the 2 x mean radius (which is calculated by averaging the distance of each shot from the average position of all shots - indicated by a red cross) as this isn't so distorted by the odd flyer. The extreme spread works out the maximum distance between any two shots. The diagonal gives the diagonal measurement of a rectangle surrounding all shots (using centre of the shots)


It's only 537 lines of code!

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I use a nice bit of software called "On Target Precision Calculator" written by a really nice chap called Jeffrey Block in USA. There is a freeware version as well as a paid for version (only £10).


If you have reasonable ability with a computer and enjoy playing with software you will love this. Input is from a camera or (better) a scanner. It is very accurate.

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