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Over 35?

Browning GTS

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You leave before the end to "beat the rush" .


2. You get more excited about having a roast on a Sunday than going clubbing the night before.


3. You stop dreaming of becoming a professional footballer / basketball player and start dreaming of having a son who might instead.


4. All of a sudden, middle aged people are not 45 , they are only 45.


5. Before going out anywhere, you ask whether there is anywhere to park.


6. Rather than throw a knackered pair of trainers out, you keep them because they'll be alright for the DIY or in the garden.


7. You buy T-shirts without anything written on them.


8. Music all starts to sound the same.


9. You always have enough milk in.


10. The benefits of a pension scheme become clear.


11. You actually find yourself saying "They don't make 'em like that anymore" and "I remember when there were only 4 TV channels" and "Not in my day...."


12. Radio 2 play more songs you know than Radio 1 - and Jeremy Vine has some really interesting guests on.


13. Instead of tutting at old people who take ages to get off the bus, You tut at rowdy school children.


14. When sitting outside a pub you admire their hanging baskets.


15. You find yourself saying "is it cold in here or is it just me "


16. You understand the above and forward it to your fellow aging friends.

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