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Ear Cleaning


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I would be surprised if there is sufficient buildup of wax to cause significant hearing loss. I see dogs all the time that have ears full of wax and yeast infections but it doesn't really effect their hearing. If you do want to clean the ears just use your finger and a baby wipe.

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Minor bacterial, mite or yeast infections are common in dogs and a solution of white wine vinegar and water can be used to clean out the ears.


First, check the inside of the ear for debris as you don't want to inadvertently push something like a grass seed further down the ear canal. Next, prepare a solution (1:1) of white wine vinegar and tepid water. Twist a piece of cotton wool into a taper and then gently swab out the ear. You may have to repeat this several times to get rid of all of the muck.


If this doesn't work, because the onset of hearing loss has been sudden, it may be worth a trip to the vets as your dog may have an infected eardrum or something equally serious that needs specialist attention.


I really hope he gets better soon

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My vizla has awful wax build up and if left it can get infected and sore.


He's had everything for it over the years, but it's always just a temporary fix. I usually use a pair of locking forceps with cotton wool wrapped around them. Moisten slightly and go gently, making sure you can see what you are doing - I find a small torch is very useful. Keep replacing the mucky wool as necessary and never use a piece from one side in the other (cross infection).


If the hearing loss is that sudden then I'd definitely let a vet have a proper look.

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Thanks all. Ive used cleansing drops for a week, every 2 days. A lot of brown waxy dirt coming out but no significant improvement. So its off to the get on Monday.

My wife had hers done, not because she doesn't listen to me!, and they said current medical advice is against it. We'll see, he's much more important!

It didn't help her!

Thanks again.

That's vet, not get. He's a really nice guy.

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