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Once upon a time in the West!

Columba Grey

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A lovely sunny morning West of The Bann. Was on the field at 7.25 and moved 100+ off the barley straw...full of western promise!

I had been watching this spot for two weeks and was surprised to see it partially cut on Wednesday with a good number of birds milling around. I didn't rate my chances of getting a full-blown invitation however fortune favours the brave and I put my best foot forward on Friday evening. To my delight I was given the green light by the farm manager.

Up with the larks this morning I was set up and ready for action at 8.00 am. My formation with a stiff SW wind at my back was 10 static split to left and right, a flexicoy just behind each bunch of statics and a whirly with two dead birds right smack in the middle only 15 yards from the hide, just in front of the killing zone.

A lively start with some inexplicable misses gave way to a steady flow and some nice crossers as the birds flew from right to left in a diagonal. After 90 mins I noticed a lot of birds shying away despite shot birds having replaced the statics and the addition of two floaters on either side.

I moved the whirly to my right about 40 yards from the hide which worked a treat bringing the birds into the general area while maintaining the diagonal flight path which had given me a range of challenging shots. I could have seen it through to 6/7 but finished up at 12.30 with a tally of 30 birds and a feral. To top it all the local restaurant agreed to take my bag , which believe me is an achievement in itself!!

Edited by Columba Grey
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