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Phone numbers


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had the names and phone numbers of a number of Northern Ireland pigeon and corvid shooters, BUT, when I upgraded to a new phone (Samsung Galaxy A5) I changed all the numbers and names over to that, and then deleted all numbers off my old phone (Samsung Galaxy III).

No problem I thought, but then was charging the old phone (to make sure it didn't knacker its battery, always good to have a spare), when it decided to switch itself on, and sync with the new phone.

Result was its deleted ALL the phone numbers and names from the new phone too :(

So now, I can't ring any of the people and ask them if they would like come and shoot pigeon and corvid.


SOOOOOOO, if you were on my phone list and haven't heard from me, PM me your number and name, and I'll put you back on the list.

Garvagh, Coleraine, area

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have you paired the new phone with the Bluetooth in the car? I rescued some numbers fron the car in this way, was laborious wit ha pen and paper.

No, as I don't use the phone even via blue tooth when in the car. I used to, but found it was a distraction, and I had to keep the charger on the phone or it ran down very quickly

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