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Countryside Alliance


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Am not a member but on their mailing list, but after receiving their latest email regarding the article by B White-Spunner as printed in the Telegraph I may have to join.

They seem to be very active and right on the ball in getting their voices heard in all the right places at just the right time in comparison to other organisations. Don't know how BW-S resignation will effect this but may call in at their stall at Lowther at the weekend and have a gander.

Very pleased with the high profile stances they are taking at the moment. Good to see.

Edited for **** spelling.

Edited by Scully
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Effective campaigning has many faces and there are several issues that the main organisations work together on. I hope you have a good time at Lowther, hope the bad weather holds off!

Thankyou. Good forecast for Saturday I believe but Fridays forecasted downpour may make the going rather soft. :yes:

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