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Wet weather shooting


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Yesterday (saturday) was supposed to be 2 showers, from 1-2 and 4-5, well try from 1 till 6! So I took my Galatian out for some roost shooting as the wet will make the pigeons roost, as well as a crow!


As every pulse of heavy rain came in so did a wave of pigeons. On the last pulse a lovely fat pigeon landed then got mugged by a crow. So I mugged the crow!


The forest reached saturation point, that is when the water is no longer being held by the leaves but running through them, meaning you can't keep dry, luckily shortly after that point it stopped raining, so I ventured out onto the fields and paddock! I left the forest and got to the track, saw a rabbit, ducked beneath the nettle line and got to 25 metres. Another Ogive sped from the barrel and sent bunny to the great paddock in the sky. Walking down the track I saw a rabbit at the edge of the paddock. I lined up but bunny saw me. Bunny ******** off. Muttering a curse I walked further down the track. I saw 2 rabbits washing themselves in the wet grass, I targeted the biggest one and let another Ogive fly. Bigger bunny down. So the day consists of 3 pigeons, 2 rabbits, 1 crow, 3-2-1, might be a game show in that!




Sorry about the lousy mobile phone photos!

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