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hi guys are these autos restricted to a 3 shot or is there a removable plug.i went to look at a remmy today but it was shot done.i looked at an escort it was the same money only it was a brand new gun and had 3 years warranty. apparently they take beretta mobil chokes. all opinions and advice taken.the gun is only for rough shooting and decoying.at 300 quid if it broke you could throw it away and laugh.surely you would lose 300 on a beretta teknys after a year..i realise we are nt talking beretta quality here but for the job in hand it may be ok.if it is nt restricted has anyone an extension mag for sale?

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I was talking to a guy a few days ago who really rates them. He said he'd had his 3 years and has thrown everything at it. The only problem he has had is the occasional (but rare) blown O ring within the gas system but he said it is easy to fix and he takes a spare with him when out.

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hi guys are these autos restricted to a 3 shot or is there a removable plug.i went to look at a remmy today but it was shot done.i looked at an escort it was the same money only it was a brand new gun and had 3 years warranty. apparently they take beretta mobil chokes. all opinions and advice taken.the gun is only for rough shooting and decoying.at 300 quid if it broke you could throw it away and laugh.surely you would lose 300 on a beretta teknys after a year..i realise we are nt talking beretta quality here but for the job in hand it may be ok.if it is nt restricted has anyone an extension mag for sale?

I had an escort for about 9 months. I used it for crow/pigeon shooting and also fox (using 3"mag) I found no faults as t all with it. I sold it to a mate a few months ago, big mistake. I am going to replace it soon though.

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They seem fine to me. Bought a 3" and still have it. Also a 3.5" but found it really was better with heavier loads so sold it on. Converted the 3" to 7 shot with bits from importer at reasonable cost (about £22 from memory) and it took a few minutes. The original tube is just screwed in and needs replacing for one that is not crimped, new longer spring and new end cap with extension tube. The mag tube is not pegged but does have a thread compound on the thread to stop it coming loose. I made a clamp out of 2 bits of oak bolted together and it came out easily but be careful not to squash it or tear it at the threads as its very thin.


Also, do get your FAC varied before ordering the parts from your local RFD as it will then have to be added to your FAC and taken off your SGC.


If you do decide to do it yourself and get into problems PM me.

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