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Baikel hushpower 410

Beagle boy

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Evening all I've got a pedretti 12g hushpower which is great but I've got the chance to swap it for a baikel hushpower 410.

Only thing I use it for is squirrels pigeons and rabbits near a paddock with a wooded edge, would the 410 be a lot quieter than the 12g?

I use eley sub sonics in it now would I need sub 410 carts aswell?

Cheers rob

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ive had bakel 410 and my mate uses one it will be quieter than the 12g but you will still get a report when using it near the woods even when using sub cartridges but out in the field with bit winds you will hear it but anything 50 yards away wont,i used to just use 21/2 inch carts cheaper by far and not great deal noiser ive shot rabbits sitting metres apart without them bolting

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i have a fully moderated 12g pedretti hushpower also and have had two other fully moderated .410 pedretti hushpower as remmy says yes there will be a reduction in noise from the 12 to the 410 but in my own experience it will not be huge. if shooting out away from woods or obstruction and into a wind the difference is noteable but again not huge. i tested this myself when i had both of the guns, my friend shot both the guns one after another in the same direction and i stood abouts fifty yards away and was amazed at how much the 12 moderated the rapport.


atb 7diaw

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