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Useless.....absolutely useless


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You have 3 options, next time you get dragged in Next or similar,1. Find a comfy spot in a corner and sit down, shut your eyes and pretend to snore. Lift a bum cheek occasionally and make farting noises.2. Get your own back by wandering into the window display and doing a bit of dirty dancing with one of the dummies.3. If you really want results then head for the stand with the bras on, pick out a nice one, place over your head with the cups over your ears and knot the straps under your chin, now raise your arms to shoulder height and run around humming the theme tune to "Battle of Britain" or "The Dambusters."Number 3 was particularly effective for me when I persuaded the youngest lad to take part, we had a dogfight which I lost and crash landed under a rack full of skirts.

I just spat my beer out over the bloody floor laughing to No 3, do you know when you get uncontrollable immature laughing when you can't stop tackle! My Mrs is looking at me know like I'm a freak, she's got Christmas only way is Essex on, nuff said there.......

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