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Rabbit with Mustard Sauce


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Rabbit with Mustard Sauce

(Serves 4)


4 rabbit quarters

1 tablespoon vinegar

25g (1oz) butter

250g (8oz) unsmoked bacon, diced

2 chopped onions

15g (1/2 oz plain flour)

450ml (3/4 pint) chicken stock

1 bouquet garni

150ml (1/4 pint double cream)

2 tablespoons French mustard


Heat oven to 180C


Soak the rabbit quarters overnight in water with the vinegar added. Drain, rinse and dry.


Melt the butter in a flameproof casserole. Add the rabbit quarters and brown on all sides, then remove.


Add the bacon and onions to the casserole and fry until golden brown. Sprinkle over the flour and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Gradually stir in the stock and bring to the boil. Season with salt and pepper then return the rabbit to the casserole and add the bouquet garni.


Cover and cook for 1 ½ hours or until the rabbit is tender..


Remove the rabbit from the casserole and discard the bouquet garni. Mix the cream and mustard together, then stir into the cooking liquid. Heat on top of the stove, stirring (do not boil). Return the rabbit and reheat.

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