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Just wondered do you guys use the OS Explorer Active Maps or is there another map which can be brought with even more detail?? Just wondered so I could use it to mark out permissions (and potentially plan my conquest of the countryside...mwahahaha ;))




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Just wondered do you guys use the OS Explorer Active Maps or is there another map which can be brought with even more detail?? Just wondered so I could use it to mark out permissions (and potentially plan my conquest of the countryside...mwahahaha :good:)





I use the OS explorer, and i also bought a great book as well "Be expert with map & compass" ;)

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Try google earth if you live in an area that is well covered.

I printed out a great aerial photo of my new permission, comes is handy :good:




+ great for measuring fields (I am yet to buy a rangefinder ;) - soon)


or use the path option to see how far you have walked

- I picked a large field to go bunny bashing in last week with the .17hmr (sitting and lying prone a lot in long grass) and when I got back to the car no ammo in my pocket :good: - I had dropped the box somewhere - so retraced my steps and covered all the likely places I'd been more than once - found the box which was lucky as I needed it for a job the next night and was down to my last box. Had to walk over four miles that day :good:

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The problem is lots of bits of farm that border other farms so google earth or windows live isn't brilliant, as hard to distinguish what field is what!!! The OS Explorer Active looks good as its waterproof so you can use highlighters etc to mark area's then wipe off with damp cloth. Would love a rangefinder, maybe if I do lots of overtime at work and new job....;) (just don't tell the gf!) I use a mac so certain software isn't avaliable :good:


For example on the below link how do you tell the farms apart???



Think will just try and get the OS map and ask the farmer to mark things out for defo.

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