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HM2 Problems

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He'll of a good point

They will sell you the rfile but getting ammo in that's another matter



They are simply getting rid of stock they don't want (HM2 rifles), and I don't see many RFD rushing to put a new HM2 rifle on their shelf when they have sold their last! They have no interest in buying ammo for so few people.


Strange as it may seem I'm not having a go at the HM2 here, it is simple economics! :good:

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Fair enough if you ask them to get in something they can't sell

Their is no minimum order for most things

on factory ammo especially rimfire I can see a minimum order being an issue

also too many people order then don't come back

pay for your order, problem solved!


A few years back I went into Dickson's is Edinburgh.

One of the only RFDs within 40 miles of the city


I asked them to get in 1000 Hm2 rounds, at that time the standard brick and possibly way over the minimum order

I was happy to pay in full upfront and had no expectation on when their next order from Hannams would be.


Their answer?

"No, sorry we can't do that"...



seriously, you really don't want customer's money that badly you are willing to alienate your customers?....



Any RFD that won't order in for payment up front is nuts and shouldn't be in business.

There is no restriction here, just down to unwillingness to offer service.....

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you give them too much credit!

they did exactly the same with Norma 270 ammo!!



as for poo,

i must have bought several 1000 rounds of Hm2, never have midfire, FTF, or squib.

plenty of split necks on post firing inspection but nothing like as many as the HMR

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