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Starting Reloading

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Sure this has been covered many times before - it's like newbies on a Land Rover forum asking what's the biggest tyre they can fit on a gaylander - so my apologies!


Want to start re-loading. Where do you start? Is there an idiots guide to reloading?

ATM, only looking at SG Carts but will move to centrefire at some point - well, that is the plan..


I have purchased a RTO from a member on here, so the collection has started, but what else do you need?



Edited by Mallyshag
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I just recently started having a play reloading 243 ammo. I bought a lee loader kit and followed the recipes in the box and got a tub of H4895, a box of primers and some 62gr bullets. It's SO straightforward a kid could do it. Its massively rewarding when you shoot your first homemade bullet. My only slight criticism of the dipper measure is that it's on the conservative side of the measures but for a standard volumetric it's brilliant. My first diy batch of 243 62gr shot 2 inches low compared to the factory hornaday 58gr and the fourth one I ever shot made a big hole in a fox.


Bear in mind once you start you won't stop!!! I've just bought a whole set of lee dippers, a lee perfect powder thrower, a brass tumbler because I like shiny brass and something else I can't remember but it was for reloading.

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