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right lads ive a 18mnth old lurcher whos working with no faults but because ive 5 other dogs he has to go as i just havent the time for him hes a great dog but would be more suited to sum one with less dogs who can give him the time to run him etc etc but heres the problem ive been asked by 2 people to have the dog 1st lad is the person who i bought the dog off at 12 weeks the 2nd person is the lad who bred the dog he still has his father and brother and 2 half brothers now both are pushing me to sell the dog to them but which one do i sell to without offending the other i dont want to sell to a stranger so what would yous do ???

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The answer is simple, sell it too the person who you think would look after/use the dog the best. ???





if u still cant decide which will look after the dog best, sell it to the highest bidder out of the two of them ???


why dont u give them both a trial period with the dog and see how they get on (only if it wont upset the dog though)

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