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Lost Ferret


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This evening as i was cleaning out the ferrets, i put them into a shed which i was sure was ferret-proof, it turned out not to be... My sister and i went to search for it, i saw it 75m's aaway, ran upto it, it wasnt ther but i saw it dart round a corner up the road, a neighbour said they thought they saw it run into their field. the question is what shall i do!? i have put the remaining ferret inside the hutch in the carrybox with the main hutch door open so the other can come in as he pleases. is this what i should do!? Any advice appreciated thanks

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This evening as i was cleaning out the ferrets, i put them into a shed which i was sure was ferret-proof, it turned out not to be... My sister and i went to search for it, i saw it 75m's aaway, ran upto it, it wasnt ther but i saw it dart round a corner up the road, a neighbour said they thought they saw it run into their field. the question is what shall i do!? i have put the remaining ferret inside the hutch in the carrybox with the main hutch door open so the other can come in as he pleases. is this what i should do!? Any advice appreciated thanks



The odds are on that it will wander home on its own accord. Leave a ferret box on the ground with some nosh in it and you will probably find it curled up asleep in the morning.


Good luck mate.






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This evening as i was cleaning out the ferrets, i put them into a shed which i was sure was ferret-proof, it turned out not to be... My sister and i went to search for it, i saw it 75m's aaway, ran upto it, it wasnt ther but i saw it dart round a corner up the road, a neighbour said they thought they saw it run into their field. the question is what shall i do!? i have put the remaining ferret inside the hutch in the carrybox with the main hutch door open so the other can come in as he pleases. is this what i should do!? Any advice appreciated thanks



The odds are on that it will wander home on its own accord. Leave a ferret box on the ground with some nosh in it and you will probably find it curled up asleep in the morning.


Good luck mate.







My hob chewed his way out of his cage a few months back and dissapeared for 48 hours :good: . Got up one morning to feed my jill, there he was fast asleep back in his hutch that he spent so long trying to get out of!! :lol:

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