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Wheels came off!


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Hadn't had my self loader out of the cupboard for over a year so decided I'd give it an airing up at rough shoot. It is a Winchester 1500 XTR choked at full and my favourite hide gun, but have been using my latest OU as I'd had a bit of a glitch with not mounting it properly so wanted to get it ironed out.

Anyhow, very very strong and gusting winds blowing debris all over the place and as I walked along edge of wood I spooked several woodies on stubble some way off. Stood still for a while to see if they circled as they sometimes do, and sure enough one curled towards me at a good height and at speed and came down in a puff of chaff and crashed into the wood. Chuffed, considering I hadn't used this gun for a long time.

The shot put up some I hadn't seen and several headed my way, again I whipped the gun through as they passed in the wind and puff; down came another. Very chuffed!

Took me a while to find them both in the wood...long grass and short legged dog, and then crossed to far side of wood and walked the hedgerow. Spooked a rabbit but it dipped back in as I raised my gun, and once on the railway another bolted and at first ran directly away from me across stubble in the filed below, but veered left, at which point I swung through and over it tumbled head over heels, dead. Well pleased with myself.

Two pigeons and a rabbit in my game bag for three shots.

Left the railway and headed for gorse which often holds a couple of rabbits, and sure enough one bolted directly away from me with dog in hot pursuit ( she's a terrier and although stops to the whistle is now deaf ). My first shot kicked up dust just to its left; it jinked and my second shot kicked up dirt to its left again, at which point both rabbit and dog disappeared into the gorse. I rapidly shoved another two in the gun lest it reappear and sure enough it did...straight towards me going like the clappers. No sign of dog so bang; missed to the left again, and second shot missed directly in front as the gap between the two of us got down to about six yards! The rabbit lurched to my right and headed back down hill to the railway banking where I got off my final shot as it disappeared into foliage at the fence. A search by me and dog found nothing, not even a speck of blood. I wouldn't mind too much but I love bolting bunnies and pride myself on consistently hitting more than I miss.

Three kills for three shots, closely followed by five shots for nothing! Ah well.....

Edited by Scully
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These things happen. I shot Cheshire game and angling fair today. Stand 1 a pair of running rabbit, first away second crossing. Dusted the first two pairs and the first of the third then had a no bird. Missed the rest, how does that happen? ???

:yes: I have no idea; have done similar.

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