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Webley Vulcan 177


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spot on........................I had one years ago and really rated it for one of my first air rifles. the were a couple of models mark 1 & 2 .......not sure what the're upto know.


second hand?:lol:.......................if so maybe work putting a few pllets through the crono to make sure its going to be up to the job! :good:

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I doubt this guy will have a crono to prove it. unless you get a report when you pay to have it done.


It is seccond hand and i wont be using it much, so i didnt want anything flash. I think it comes with a simmons scope too so that will be getting put on my CZ452 and the unknown scope will come off.


Apart from testing it on a target, is there anything else i should check?

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Webley Vulcan was a useful springer in it's day although IMO not as good as the HW 35 & 80 it was up against


check the stock securing screws at the fore end as these had a habit of shearing or coming loose


spares readily available through Chambers Gunmakers


cheers TP

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:good: all irelevant. the guy has now sold it......gutted



For future reference though matey check the following when looking tio accquire a used gun


- barrel...is it staright...should n't have any dints in it or pitting in the chamber


- make sure when cocking that the action is smooth...no gritty'ness clanking or strange noises that could indicate a problem with the spring


- check the exterior screw heads for signs of knarling.............if they are knarled and chewed..this could indicate that the gun has been taken to bits several times......more often thatn not... for a repair


- make sure there are no cracks on the stock.............a gun with no anti-bear trap that has been fired in the cocked position will undoubtedly have a bent barrel......cracking to the stock indictaes this.............even though the bend will not be visible to the naked eye.....you will never get it zeroed!

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