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which airgun please help


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Hello to you all i am looking for a .22 pcp rifle. what should i get a rapid, s400/s410 or a daystate and does it realy have to nbe a .22 will a .177 still knock down rabbbits etc at same distance cheers in advance of your replys:good:

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.177 or .22 - its been done to death. Makes no odds, each camp has its supporters. Do a search, get a drink and a packed lunch in and have a read :good:


Do some more research on the rifles you are looking at. The difference between the 400 and 410 is single shot / 10 shot multi-shot. The single can't be converted to multi - choose wisely.


Best advice is go to your gun shop, shoulder them all, try them all, see which fits you and you get on with. Then try and find a club and see if you can try some or all of the ones you like.


Most of the premium brands of PCP will do the job, Daystate, HW, AA etc

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If you have the money I would say go for a Daystate its alot of rifle and you gotta love those thumbhole stocks. :good:


As for calibre choice, well I would suggest .22 as you are going to get more shots than the .177. The pro to the .177 is obviously a flatter trajectory which makes it favoured by the target shooters. It will still knock down rabbits but the .22 will, iin my opion, deliver a better transfer of energy, which makes it the better hunting round.


I agree with Pin when he says to check out a gun shop and local club. You will be able to try all sorts and see how they fit. This sort of thing is invaluable when choosing a new rifle.

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