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Newbies - when oiling


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I have just given a suggestion to another member about lubrication of guns in a posting.


It brought back memories of something I seen a while ago which a proud new shooter was doing to his new gun while cleaning it. He was squirting oil down the firing pins and rubbing oil (mineral) into the stock thinking he was doing good.


So newbies, never put oil down the firing pins and only put stock oil on the stock (if you have an oiled stock that is), the reason being the wood will soak up mineral oil and do damage, and remember one drop in the right place is worth a million in the wrong place.


Also, when using barrel cleaner (I use Youngs 303) use it very sparingly and don't let it get over other parts of the gun as it will gum up, and also don't let blood get onto the metalwork of the gun, it will corrode it.


OK - advice over, might help somebody.

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