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Split storage/address


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SGC/FAC held in one county.

6 month posting to another and only wish to take one shotgun due to going into a 'Rental'


Because this is spread out over two 'Forces' with the principal residence keeping the majority of firearms what does the PW collective brains think or any good links?



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I would think as it is a temporary move then it's just the same as going away for a weeks holiday.... just longer.


If you can, fit a cabinet at the temp address. you could inform the local feo but chances are you'll cause more issues than you solve.






BASC Security Advice BASC discusses your legal obligations..

As the holder of a firearm or shotgun certificate you are required to comply with the conditions on your certificate relating to security conditions 4 (a) &(b).

Condition 4 (a)

The firearms and ammunition [or shotguns] to which the certificate relates must at all times (except in the circumstances set out in paragraph (b) below) be stored securely so as to prevent, so far as is reasonably practicable, access to the firearms or ammunition by an unauthorised person.

Condition 4 (b)

Where a firearm or ammunition [or shotgun] to which the certificate relates is in use or the holder of the certificate has the firearm with him for the purpose of cleaning, repairing or testing it or for some other purpose connected with its use, transfer or sale, or the firearm or ammunition is in transit to or from a place in connection with its use or any such purpose, reasonable precautions must be taken for the safe custody of the firearm or the ammunition.





Condition 3 on every firearm and shotgun certificate says: The holder of this certificate must, without undue delay, inform the chief officer of police by whom the certificate was granted of any change in his permanent address. Remember that it is a criminal offence not to abide by any condition on a firearm or shotgun certificate.

The move has to be permanent


There are two things that need to be considered here. What does without undue delay actually mean? There is no set time period for notification, but the time from move to notification must not be excessive. A practical interpretation of when you should give notice of a change of address would be when you are finally settled in your new home with your boxes unpacked and your gun cabinet installed.


The other aspect of the condition is that the move has to be permanent. This means that you really have upped sticks and that you will be registered to vote and pay community tax and so on at your new address. A short-term move into rented accommodation while you have building work done is not a permanent move. Neither is a student who is away from the family home at college or someone who works away and only returns home on an intermittent basis.



Read more at http://www.shootinguk.co.uk/answers/legal-answers/firearms-certificate-moving-house-45659#zOFErJ4Z7XQbOEY1.99

Edited by HDAV
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Thankyou for the reply.


It does indeed look like some fairly ambiguous interpretations- after all, even moving into rented accommodation for a month whilst 'house repairs' are undertaken requires Council Tax to be paid.


I did put the scenario to my FEO ( fairly new to the post) , and his reply was as clear as mud too- he was a little unsure and 'we will sort it out later'


I'm a member of the NRA so will 'bell' their legal team

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It's not a perm move so address on cert will not need to change, what you should tell the force in which you will be temporary resident is the issue, after all I was temporarily in 2 other force areas temporarily today but wasn't required to inform any of them. I can't find anywhere that says after a week, a month, a year you do.....


Are you off to anywhere exciting?

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