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Hi peeps,


as above really, i have a CZ452 .22lr - what have you got fitted and what does it sound like? The reason for asking is that mine has a slight cracklike sound, fairly loud at night using eley subs (spooks bunnies out to about 35yards), just wondering if theres anything quieter out there for sensible money. (Many moons ago i shot with my local keeper and all you heard was the trigger mech-no idea what he had)

Cheers G

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I have a SAK and I know of of another + 2 Parker Hales.

We all shoot CZ's 3 of them are 21" and one 16" and there is no difference with any of them sound wise.

Well all use either Winchester or Eley subs.


What make do you have, they shouldn't be any crack as the round is subsonic.


.22LR mods are not that tecnical, I know of another very quiet one that just looks like a very thin tube, not much bigger diamter than the barrel itself.

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Hi StuartP,


not sure of the make theres only the proof marks on it and nothing else, on the receipt only says Mod but ill phone the shop later, heres what it looks like plus innards -





i think its probably the skinny one you were on about, what sort of noise levels do you get with the SAK??

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I have to be honest, I was very surprised by the SAK when I tried it the other day. The most noticeable noise was the round thumping the rabbit! My friends have old parker hale ones, I think mine is a little quieter, the SAK is short and fat as opposed to the longer thinner PH. Yer pays your money, yer takes yer choice!

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cheers for the replies guys, no at present can't compare. I'm off out to play again this evening - still searching for the most accurate combo aswell, so far only tried eley and RWS but now got some Winchester Super X so will - cant seem to get any tighter than about 10p at 50yrds with a bipod.


I also noticed that it looked like a round had clipped one of the baffles, no damage other than a slight mark- come to think of it i noticed a different sound a few shoots ago but upon inspection the crown of the barrel seems smooth and well bevelled etc so put it down to a duff round (just put it back together after taking the pics and it all seems lined up ok and a pencil slides through without mishap, dead technical i know).


I'm not gonna buy another mod until i can compare so i'll bide my time for now, cheers again.



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I have Parker Hale on .22lr with Ely subs its no louder than a loud thinnly gloved hand clap, almost a plop certainly not a crack.


It is possible to shoot a cople of wabbits before they realise whats going on. :yes:

Descipton as close as it sounds hope this is helpfull.


:/ D2D

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