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Clausen TV


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Evening All.


Not sure if anyone is/has been subscribing to hunting vids. on Clausen TV. I subscribed for a year to it 2 years ago, more out of curiosity than anything else, and I was naive enough perhaps to think that after the year was up I would get an email asking me to subscribe again for another year - which I could ignore because I did not want to - and that would be that. :no:


Unfortunately the only email I received was to tell me that they had helped themselves to another year's subscription, and that I could view the vids. for another year. I tried to contact Clausen TV via the Facebook page stating I did not want to have it for another year, but no reply. I told Paypal what had happened but they were unable/unwilling to help.


The second years subscription is up in a month or so, and I am wondering what I can do to prevent them taking another year's subs. out? There does not seem to be anything in the way of an EM contact on the website, not that I can see, anyway. I tried again to contact via FB PM again recently, but no reply again.


Anyone else had this trouble, or have any suggestions ?? I am just wondering if I could contact Paypal again to see if I can block further payments to them.





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go into your paypal summery page i think its the first page,,then click on the cog top right hand side (settings)





see if it's in there an if you can cancel


I would get back on to paypal an tell then you want the payment stopped and treat as an unauthorized payment


sorry cant be of more help


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Thanks for the replies. Will try on Paypal. There's about 100 vids of varying length but most of them are only there to plug his predator calls, which are of course the best the hunting/shooting world will ever know and which no-one should be without. Look like cheap plastic rubbish to me, but there we are. Only a few new vids have been added since I first went on it, so it's not really worth it.

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